
API reference


The <CopilotProvider> component is a headless React provider, allowing its children to control the copilot via useCopilot hook. The <CopilotProvider> is typically used:

  • As a wrapper around the <Copilot> pre-styled chat UI.
  • As a wrapper around your own UI implementation, which relies on useCopilot() to talk to the backend.
// Example.jsx
import { CopilotProvider } from '@copilotjs/react'
import { Copilot } from '@/components/Copilot'

export default function Example() {
  return (
    <CopilotProvider copilotId="..." userId="..." companyId="...">
      // All children can useCopilot().
      // Place here the pre-styled <Copilot>, or your own UI implementation.
      <Copilot className="h-[600px] w-[400px]" />


Use these properties to configure the <CopilotProvider> component.

copilotIdThe ID of your copilot, obtained when you create a Copilot account.stringyes
userIdThe ID of the user who's logged into your app. Set it to the in your database.stringyes
companyIdThe ID of the organization your user belongs to. Set it to the in your database.stringyes
contextThe actions and state of your app. See details below.objectno
inferenceThe properties of the AI inference engine. See details below.objectno
annotationMapFunction to map each annotation to its display string, in an assistant message. See customizing citations.(annotation) => stringno
onReadyFunction invoked when the component first connects to backend, and is ready to accept method calls. See ready example.(event) => voidno
onThreadCreatedFunction invoked when a new conversation thread is created. See thread.created example.(event) => voidno
onMessageCompletedFunction invoked when a user or assistant message is completed. See message.completed example.(event) => voidno
onMessageIncompleteFunction invoked when a user or assistant message was not completed, due to cancellation or other reasons. See message.incomplete example.(event) => voidno
onErrorFunction invoked when an error occurs. See error example.(event) => voidno
onIsReadyChangedFunction invoked when component readiness changes. See isReady.changed example.(event) => voidno
onSnapshotChangedFunction invoked when the undo snapshot of the Copilot changes. See snapshot.changed example.(event) => voidno
onThreadsChangedFunction invoked when the list of available threads changes. See threads.changed example.(event) => voidno
onSelectedThreadIdChangedFunction invoked when a different thread is selected. See selectedThreadId.changed example.(event) => voidno
onStatusChangedFunction invoked when the status of the selected thread changes. See status.changed example.(event) => voidno
onMessagesChangedFunction invoked when the messages of the selected thread change. See messages.changed example.(event) => voidno


actionsA map of functions that Copilot is allowed to invoke, in your particular app. See actions example.objectno
actionTypesThe type definitions for all available actions, in Typescript. See action types example.stringno
stateA subset of your app's state, to optionally improve AI performance. See state example.Stateno
undoHistoryYour app's undo history, to optionally allow the user to undo actions performed by the assistant. See undo example.objectno


providerThe name of company providing AI inference.stringno, default is openai
modelThe name of AI model used.stringno, default is gpt-4-0125-preview

The supported inference providers and models are:



// Example.jsx
import { CopilotProvider } from '@copilotjs/react'
import { Copilot } from '@/components/Copilot' // The folder where you placed Copilot.

export default function Example() {
  return (
        actions: {
          createShape: (shape) => {},
          updateShape: (shapeId, shape) => {},
          deleteShape: (shapeId) => {},
          getShape: (shapeId) => {},
          listShapes: (filters) => {},
          deleteAllShapes: () => {},
          "type createShape = (shape: Shape) => ShapeWithId\ntype updateShape = (shapeId: string, updatedShape: Partial<Shape>) => void\ntype deleteShape = (shapeId: string) => void\ntype getShape = (shapeId: string) => ShapeWithId\ntype listShapes = (filters: Partial<ShapeWithId>) => ShapeWithId[]\ntype deleteAllShapes = () => void\n\ntype Shape = Square | Circle\ntype Circle = { type: 'circle'; x: number; y: number; radius: number }\ntype Square = { type: 'square'; x: number; y: number; length: number }\n\ntype ShapeWithId = SquareWithId | CircleWithId\ntype CircleWithId = Circle & { id: string }\ntype SquareWithId = Square & { id: string }\n\ntype State = {\n  visibleArea: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number }\n  countShapes: number\n  countSelectedShapes: number\n}\n",
        state: {
          visibleArea: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100 },
          countShapes: 80,
          countSelectedShapes: 2,
        undoHistory: { past: [], present: {}, future: [] },
        provider: 'openai',
        model: 'gpt-4-0125-preview',
      annotationMap={(annotation) => ` ([link](${}))`},
      onReady={(event) => console.log('The component was initialized.')}
      onThreadCreated={(event) => console.log('A new thread was created.')}
      onMessageCompleted={(event) => console.log('A message was completed.')}
      onMessageIncomplete={(event) => console.log('A message was incomplete.')}
      onError={(event) => console.log('An error occurred.')}
      onIsReadyChanged={(event) => console.log('The component readiness changed')}
      onSnapshotChanged={(event) => console.log('The undo snapshot changed.')}
      onThreadsChanged={(event) => console.log('The available threads changed.')}
      onSelectedThreadIdChanged={(event) => console.log('A different thread was selected.')}
      onStatusChanged={(event) => console.log('The status of selected thread changed.')}
      onMessagesChanged={(event) => console.log('The messages of selected thread changed.')}
      <Copilot className="h-[600px] w-[400px]" />


The <CopilotProvider> emits multiple types of events, described below.


When the component first connects to the backend, and is ready to accept method calls, the onReady handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "ready",
  "data": {
    "jwt": "eyJh...",
    "assistant": {
      "id": "asst_bhpr2F2MD8GJYEA88UbdzuQ9",
      "object": "assistant",
      "createdAt": 1693587139
    "thread": {
      "id": "thread_4n5gAb9PEPIOZ7XiorEXVO3N",
      "object": "thread",
      "createdAt": 1727894570


When a new conversation thread is created, the onThreadCreated handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "thread.created",
  "data": {
    "id": "thread_9SxkGHNKxfQWCLVCJPFTtFV2",
    "object": "thread",
    "createdAt": 1725298848,
    "metadata": {},
    "toolResources": {}


When a user or assistant message is completed, the onMessageCompleted handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "message.completed",
  "data": {
    "id": "msg_yNN0jKCEcLR1IBYXkcpioP1u",
    "object": "thread.message",
    "createdAt": 1725298681,
    "assistantId": "asst_bhpr2F2MD8GJYEA88UbdzuQ9",
    "threadId": "thread_MyR6ntVmF2IkndJUd1IbQTVc",
    "runId": "run_tZlPsFrTSaGmOPNCGAVCT1nH",
    "status": "completed",
    "incompleteDetails": null,
    "incompleteAt": null,
    "completedAt": 1725298681,
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": {
          "value": "I'm just a digital assistant, so I don't have feelings, but thanks for asking! How can I assist you today?",
          "annotations": []
    "attachments": [],
    "metadata": {}


When a user or assistant message was not completed, due to cancellation or other reasons, the onMessageIncomplete handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "message.incomplete",
  "data": {
    "id": "msg_K5d00uQu2ir4Tzr05AMR7Alo",
    "object": "thread.message",
    "createdAt": 1725298815,
    "assistantId": "asst_bhpr2F2MD8GJYEA88UbdzuQ9",
    "threadId": "thread_dueTrbCApJ5JRRyV4LXURF1T",
    "runId": "run_tNwx4jyAwRqrCysSmWEKbwL2",
    "status": "incomplete",
    "incompleteDetails": {
      "reason": "run_cancelled"
    "incompleteAt": 1725298815,
    "completedAt": null,
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": {
          "value": "I'm just",
          "annotations": []
    "attachments": [],
    "metadata": {}


When an error occurs, the onError handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "error",
  "data": {
    "id": "error_PLbBDGdPS35TrEVaygnPwq9k",
    "object": "error",
    "threadId": null,
    "type": "invalid_options_error",
    "message": "The provided copilotId was not found."

The possible error types are:

Error typeDescription
invalid_options_errorThe properties passed to the component are invalid.
insufficient_balance_errorThe dollar balance on the account is insufficient to proceed.
server_errorThe request failed due to a server error.


When the component readiness changes, the onIsReadyChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "isReady.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldIsReady": false,
    "newIsReady": true


When the undo snapshot of Copilot changes, the onSnapshotChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "snapshot.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldSnapshot": {
      "isRunning": true,
      "lastOkRunId": null
    "newSnapshot": {
      "isRunning": false,
      "lastOkRunId": "run_Xi2ITZrAox1HgE1zfKxU1liw"


When the list of available threads changes, the onThreadsChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "threads.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldThreads": [],
    "newThreads": [
        "id": "thread_GA19uVFVDPhImtwdjqwdbAe3",
        "object": "thread",
        "createdAt": 1727894463


When a different thread is selected, the onSelectedThreadIdChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "selectedThreadId.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldSelectedThreadId": "thread_GA19uVFVDPhImtwdjqwdbAe3",
    "newSelectedThreadId": "thread_6QA4JF3PfhlsEqf08oWYEjbI"


When the status of the selected thread changes, the onStatusChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "status.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldStatus": "idle",
    "newStatus": "working"


When the messages of the selected thread change, the onMessagesChanged handler is invoked with an event such as:

  "type": "messages.changed",
  "data": {
    "oldMessages": [],
    "newMessages": [
        "status": "completed",
        "id": "msg_z9J4jxQVB3qmri503kT7CJmV",
        "object": "thread.message",
        "threadId": "thread_dueTrbCApJ5JRRyV4LXURF1T",
        "role": "user",
        "content": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": {
              "value": "Add 2 circles.",
              "annotations": []
        "isUndoable": null,
        "isRedoable": null