


Add Copilot to your project

  1. Sign up for a Copilot.js account, and copy your Copilot ID from the dashboard.

  2. Download the <Copilot> component.

  3. Unzip and copy the folder ui-components/Copilot into your project (eg, to src/components).

  4. Install the dependencies:

    npm i @copilotjs/react @heroicons/react clsx react-markdown react-textarea-autosize remark-gfm
    npm i -D @tailwindcss/typography @tailwindcss/forms
  5. Edit your CSS file to use the typography and forms plugins:

    /* CSS */
    @import 'tailwindcss';
    @plugin "@tailwindcss/typography";
    @plugin "@tailwindcss/forms";
    /* ... */
  6. Use <CopilotProvider> and <Copilot> in your project:

    // Example.jsx
    import { CopilotProvider } from '@copilotjs/react'
    import { Copilot } from '@/components/Copilot' // The folder where you placed Copilot.
    export default function Example() {
      return (
        <CopilotProvider copilotId="paste-your-copilot-id-here" userId="u" companyId="c">
          <Copilot className="h-[600px] w-[400px]" />

The result is:

Copilot component

Next steps

  • Customize the <Copilot> component. Since it was copied into your project, you fully control its appearance.
  • Add knowledge to the Copilot.
  • Add actions to the Copilot.